Monday, September 22, 2008

Just be there

Dear friend,
The other day, I sat with a fawn until she passed away. I'm so glad I was there with her at the end. I just pet her and gave her something to drink. I am trying to maintain the perspective in life that it isn't about where I'm headed or where I've been, but where I am in this very moment. Each moment God has placed someone or something in front of me for me to give my love to, even if it is loving and cleaning my home. Do you know what I mean? And yesterday, as sad as that was, that's what He put in front of me so I could show His love to it. And I didn't turn from it, I embraced it and went through it...and I am glad I did.
Mother Teresa opened her clinics in India to give shelter to those who were destined to die in the streets, to offer them comfort in their last days, to let them know someone cares. That helped me understand how important it was for me to stroke that fawn and just be there. And not to turn away from situations that are too painful for me, but to enter in and offer what I can to the moment. There was a oneness, an understanding between that fawn and I, that is hard to explain. I knew I couldn't fix it, but I could pet her, and she thanked me with her eyes.
Have a joyous day,

Isaiah 66:13 "As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you."

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